7th International Barcode of Life Conference, 20 – 24 November 2017 at 
Kruger National Park


The African Centre for DNA Barcoding (ACDB), the University of 
Johannesburg (UJ), International Barcode of Life Project (iBOL), and the 
Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) are proud to announce and 
welcome delegates to our hosting of the 7th International Barcode of 
Life Conference, 20 – 24 November 2017. This is the first time that this 
event will be held on the African continent. The venue for the hosting 
of this prestigious event will be the Nombolo Mdhluli Conference Centre, 

The major theme of the conference is exploring mega-diverse biotas with 
DNA barcodes. A series of presentations and workshops will focus on the 
use of DNA to understand diversity patterns and ecological processes in 
species-rich and complicated ecosystems. The conference also provides a 
general forum for presentations, posters, and discussion on the wider 
field of DNA barcoding.

Delegates are encouraged to register as soon as possible as space is 

Abstracts should be submitted at www.abstracts.dnabarcodes2017.org 

before or on 28th April 2017.

More information at:

Website: http://dnabarcodes2017.org
Facebook: @DNABarcodes2017
Twitter: @DNABarcodes

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