ESA's Plant Population Ecology Section is looking for silent auction items.

PPE's silent auction is held each year at the ESA annual meeting.  It is one of 
the section's most important activities because it raises funds for student 
travel awards to help students attend the conference.  The ability to support 
student travel next year depends on a productive auction this year.
*But we need donated items to auction*
Please consider donating an auction item to the section.  Popular items from 
past auctions have included books, jewelry, pottery, hand-knit or quilted 
items, plant cuttings, and homemade preserves. If you plan to donate items to 
the auction, please email Nick Barber at  If you cannot attend 
the annual meeting but have items to donate, you can send them with a colleague.
Last year's silent auction raised almost $400, and we hope to top that this 

Thank you,

Lynn Adler - PPE Chair
Jean Burns - PPE Vice-Chair
Nick Barber - PPE secretary

Nicholas A. Barber
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Biological Sciences
Northern Illinois University

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