A field technician position is available immediately in the lab of Dr. 
Brian Allan (http://www.life.illinois.edu/allan/) at the University of 
Illinois. The position will be based in Gainesville, Florida, as part of a 
Department of Defense-funded project to explore the potential effects of 
climate change on plant invasions, fire dynamics, and tick-borne disease 
risk on military installations in the southeastern United States. The 
project specifically seeks to address the feedbacks between plant 
invasions and fire ecology, how climate change may alter these dynamics, 
and the consequences for human risk of exposure to tick-borne diseases. 
The field technician will join an existing research team and travel to 
military installations in the southeast to conduct field work in August 
and September. The position is available immediately but starting no later 
than August 1 and may extend through the fall depending on the interests 
and skills of the hired technician. Candidates are expected to have 
completed a Bachelor's degree by the time of employment, though candidates 
who have completed an M.S. are encouraged to apply. If interested, please 
contact Brian Allan (bal...@illinois.edu) to discuss availability and 
skills and expertise relevant to the project.

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