The National Academies’ Polar Research Board is pleased to announce a 
call for abstracts for the AGU session:

Drivers and Implications of Recent Changes in Arctic Greening and 

Remote sensing observations of the Arctic show recent and complex 
changes in tundra vegetation. For many decades a trend toward greener 
vegetation (‘Arctic greening’) was observed across the circumpolar 
region. Recently however, greater variability in the extent of greening 
has been seen and decreases in vegetation (‘Arctic browning’) have been 
observed in some regions in some years. The drivers of this increased 
variability in greening versus browning among years and across the 
landscape is currently poorly understood. Expansive changes in tundra 
vegetation could have strong implications for the surface energy balance 
and climate change in the Arctic, as well as impacts on permafrost thaw, 
carbon cycling, hydrological processes, vegetation composition, and 
biota. This session solicits abstracts on the underlying drivers and the 
potential impacts of Arctic greening and browning, and abstracts that 
discuss the research needed to continue to advance our scientific 
understanding of this topic.

Invited Speakers: Uma Bhatt, University of Alaska Fairbanks and John 
Gamon, University of Nebraska – Lincoln
Conveners: Larry Hinzman, Natalie Boelman, Howie Epstein, April Melvin

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