*2 PhD positions in Theoretical Ecology and Evolution to work with Meike 
Wittmann in the new research group for Theoretical Biology at Bielefeld 
University, Germany (please apply by August 24)*

The new research group for Theoretical Biology works on modeling ecological and 
evolutionary processes as well as interactions between them. The group is 
interested, for example, in mechanisms for the maintenance of species diversity 
and genetic diversity. Another research area is the biology of small 
populations, in particular how ecological and evolutionary processes jointly 
determine the fate of such small populations, that is whether they go extinct 
or recover in the long term.

There are two open positions for PhD students interested in pursuing research 
in one of these areas. The specific PhD projects will be defined together with 
the successful candidates. Examples for research questions are: Under what 
conditions can loss of genetic variation lead to the extinction of small 
populations (genetic Allee effects)? How can we use genome-wide sequence data 
from multiple species in an ecological community to learn about species 

- Research tasks (75%):
* Development of eco-evolutionary models
* Mathematical analysis of models
* Implementation in a programming language, e.g. in R, C++, Python
* Simulation studies
* Collaboration with empirical research groups at the Faculty for Biology
* Writing scientific publications

- Teaching in Ecology (2 LVS) (20%)

- Organizational tasks in the research group (5%)

Applicant’s Profile
The successful candidate is expected to have:
- University degree (by start of position) in a relevant scientific discipline, 
e.g. biology, mathematics, physics, or bioinformatics
- Interest in both biological and mathematical questions
- Ability to work both independently and as part of a team
- Excellent oral and written communication skills
- Good English skills

The successful candidate should preferably have:
- Programming skills, e.g. in R, Python, or C++
- Experience with mathematical modeling
- Experience in leading exercise sessions/tutorials

Salary will be paid according to Remuneration level 13 of the Wage Agreement 
for Public Service in the Federal States (TV-L). As stipulated in § 2 (1) 
sentence 1 of the WissZeitVG (fixed-term employment), the contracts end after a 
period of three years. In accordance with the provisions of the WissZeitVG and 
the Agreement on Satisfactory Conditions of Employment, the length of contract 
may differ in individual cases. The employment is designed to encourage further 
academic qualification. The positions are advertised as 65 % part-time jobs. In 
individual cases, this percentage may be reduced on request, as long as this 
does not conflict with official needs. Bielefeld University is particularly 
committed to the career development of its employees. It offers attractive 
internal and external training and further training programmes. Employees have 
the opportunity to use a variety of health, counselling, and prevention 
programmes. Bielefeld University places great importance on a work–family 
balance for all its employees.

Application Procedure
For full consideration, your application (cover letter detailing your 
motivation and relevant experiences, CV, copies of certificates, and contact 
details for at least one reference) should be received preferably via email (a 
single PDF document) sent to meike.wittm...@uni-bielefeld.de by the 24th of 
August 2017. Please mark your application with the identification code 
wiss17201. Please do not use application portfolios and send only photocopies 
of original documents because all application materials will be destroyed at 
the end of the selection procedure. Further information about Bielefeld 
University can be found on our homepage at www.uni-bielefeld.de.

Postal Address
Universität Bielefeld
Fakultät für Biologie, Theoretical Biology
Juniorprofessorin Dr. Meike Wittmann
Postfach 10 01 31
33501 Bielefeld

Juniorprofessorin Dr. Meike Wittmann
0174 6240723

Bielefeld University has received a number of awards for its achievements in 
the provision of equal opportunity and has been recognized as a family friendly 
university. The University welcomes applications from women. This is 
particularly true with regard both to academic and technical posts as well as 
positions in Information Technology and Trades and Craft. Applications are 
handled according to the provisions of the state equal opportunity statutes. 
Applications from suitably qualified handicapped and severely handicapped 
persons are explicitly encouraged.

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