Dear Colleagues,

The Environmental Leadership and Training Initiative (ELTI) at the Yale School 
of Forestry & Environmental Studies is pleased to announce the call for 
applicants for our online course starting September 25, 2017, entitled:

"Tropical Forest Restoration in Human-Dominated Landscapes" 

This six-week course will be held in English for a diverse audience of 
mid-career environmental professionals for $1200 USD (early registration fee). 
The course will feature lead professor Dr. Mark Ashton as well as a suite of 
other Yale Professors, Yale Alumni, and international case studies from diverse 
partners working in tropical Asia, Africa, and Latin America. We kindly ask you 
to please distribute our course information to any colleagues who may be 
interested in applying.

Click here for the detailed course announcement 
 which describes the audience, modules, instructors, and key features of the 
The application link is:

We send our best regards and thank you in advance!


Gillian Bloomfield
Coordinator, Online Training Program
Environmental Leadership & Training Initiative
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies

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