Dear colleagues,

We (the Editor and Associate of Integrative and Comparative Biology) invite
you to the first annual Editor’s Challenge, a 1-day workshop at the Society
for integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) meeting in San Francisco on
January 3, 2018.  

The challenge this year is to define stress.

In spring of 2017, we polled the SICB membership and other scientists (via
ECOLOG-L) for definitions of stress.  We’ve compiled those definitions and
will make them available soon.

This workshop will bring together scientists responding to that poll, as
well as others, with the goal of synthesizing what stress means in
organismal biology.  We think this year is a particularly good time to hold
this workshop, given that several symposia at the meeting will address stress:

We seek to discuss and define stress broadly, so we hope to attract
participants from various taxonomic and conceptual backgrounds.  The books
below give an example of the many ways biologists have defined stress to date.

1. Evolutionary Genetics and Environmental Stress. 1991. AA Hoffmann and PA
Parsons, Oxford Scientific Publications.
2. Tempests, Predators, Poxes and People. 2016. LM Romero and JW Wingfield,
Oxford UP.
3. Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers. 2004. RM Sapolsky. Henry Holt and Co.
4. Environmental Stress, Adaptation and Evolution. 2013. R. Biljsma and V.
Loeschcke, Springer Basel.
5. Stress in Health and Disease. 1976. H. Selye. Butterworths.
6. Bacterial Stress Responses. 2011. G Storz and R. Hengge.
7. Stress response syndromes: PTSD, grief, and adjustment disorders, 3rd ed.
1997. Horowitz, M. J. Jason Aronson.

The workshop itself will proceed as follows (8:30AM – 4:30 PM):
1. A few speakers will give 10-minute talks on their definitions of stress.
 Those guests are:

Anna Ahn               
Julian Ayroles        
Fran Bonier           
Marco del Guidice     
Kristy Kroeker        
Andrew Whitehead      

2. In between each 10-minute talk, the floor will be open for 10-minutes to
engage the speakers or the audience on related topics;

3. Following all talks and lunch, all participants will work in small groups
to discuss stress;

4. Aspects of these discussions will eventually be transformed into
synthetic papers, which will be reviewed for publication in Integrative and
Comparative Biology.

***We do not have funds to cover participation or travel, but the workshop
takes place on the first day of the meeting (i.e., the day of the first
plenary, not the main sessions).***

If you are interested, please provide the following information at this
SurveyMonkey link , which will expire
on 12/01/17:
        i. name
        ii. affilitation
        iii. email 
        iv. career stage
        v. why interested?
vi.willingness to lead or co-author a paper emerging from workshop?

If you have questions, please direct those towards Conor Taff
( or Cedric Zimmer (  

Lastly, we hope to be as inclusive as possible, but recognize that the
meeting space is limited and that conversations will be most constructive in
modest-sized groups.  We might not be able to welcome all respondents.

On behalf of the Associate Editors and myself, thanks for considering
joining us!

Lynn B. Martin
Editor, Integrative and Comparative Biology
Department of Integrative Biology
University of South Florida
4202 East Fowler Avenue, SCA 110
Tampa, FL 33620

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