Two PhD positions are available at The Plant Ecology Lab of Dr. Edwin
Lebrija-Trejos in Haifa University, Israel, to study the effects of altered
precipitation on the performance of tropical tree species and forests via
plant interactions with pathogenic and mycorrhizal fungi.  The positions are
part of a multidisciplinary project involving work in plant ecology and
pathology, microbial ecology and metagenomics, in collaboration with Drs. S.
Joseph Wright and Helene Muller-Landau from the Smithsonian Tropical
Research Institute (STRI) in Panama, and Dr. Krista McGuire from the
University Of Oregon, USA.  The successful applicants will be enrolled in
The Department of Evolutionary and Environmental Biology (DEEB) of the
University of Haifa. The positions involve an extensive period (over 2
years) of field research and experiments in Panama. In Panama, Students will
be hosted by the STRI (, which offers top-end research
facilities and a multinational/multicultural environment with a vibrant
scientific community unmatched in the tropics. The positions are for 4 years
and will start ideally from mid October 2018 (a delayed start is possible).
Applicants must be able to work both independently and in a team setting,
have an MSc degree in Life Sciences (biology or other relevant area), proven
academic achievement, and good communication and writing skills in English.
A background in microbiology or plant ecology, experience with experimental
work, large datasets and/or good quantitative and analytical skills are an
advantage. Please send questions and application to Edwin Lebrija
( Applications should include a (1) motivation letter,
(2) CV, including list of publications (if available), (3) copy of academic
transcript/record, and (4) names and email addresses of 2-3 professional

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