How predators alter parasite transmission in complex communities

The Johnson Laboratory ( is accepting a 
qualified undergraduate NSF REU applicant for our lab crew at the University of 
Colorado in Boulder beginning in May 11 (some flexibility) and concluding in 
early August 2019. 

The Johnson laboratory has made it our mission to sincerely commit to promoting 
diversity! This search is open to all student candidates (that will not 
graduate prior to June 2019) from any race, color, religion, ethnic, gender, 
gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, or veteran 
status especially those from underrepresented groups in science. 

Research Project: Predator inhibition of trematode parasite transmission: The 
primary objective for this project is to have a student investigate a 
much-needed research topic surrounding the study of infections and pathology 
caused by trematodes. The selected student will lead an ambitious yet tractable 
study into how common aquatic predators affect the spread of parasites and 
whether these effects vary by parasite species or predator foraging strategy. 
Over the summer, the selected REU will work closely with Dr. Johnson and our 
research team at the University of Colorado Boulder. The student will gain 
valuable experience in designing experiments, quantifying ecological data, and 
statistical analysis. They will also obtain foundational knowledge of 
host-parasite interactions, predator-prey dynamics, and the identification of 
both parasite and free-living species. Following completion of the experiments, 
the student will work closely with the PI to analyze (1) how the rate of 
parasite consumption varies by predator, and (2) whether predators select 
certain parasites preferentially as a function of body size, movement patterns, 
or activity times based on the natural history of the parasite.  

To apply: Email an application package that should include (1) a brief 
statement of interest detailing how obtaining an REU would advance your career 
goals; (2) a description of related previous research; (3) a statement of how 
you will support diversity and inclusion in our laboratory, and finally (4) a 
current CV. Please compile the application package into a single PDF and email 
to with the subject title (PREDATOR REU application) 
by February 11th, 2018.

*Please remember ONLY undergraduates that will be continuing their education in 
fall 2019 can apply*

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