
Not sure if you were asking about academic writing or popular writing. I 
remember reading this Bloomberg story a couple of weeks ago, which speaks to 
your question. 




On 22 Mar 2012, at 02:58, James DeFilippis wrote:

> hi all,
> Just a quick question.  I've been struck by how little discussion there
> has been about any out migration from Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Italy and
> Spain to other European countries with tighter labor markets.
> My impression had been that all the Eurozone countries pretty much had
> open borders in terms of intra-zonal labor mobility (Europe's borders, of
> course, are far from open to those outside the zone...).
> And certainly all five of these countries have long and significant
> experiences with emigration (Spain less than the other four).  So why
> isn't it happening now?  Or is it happening, but it's not being discussed
> in the public realm much.  And, if so, can anyone point me to any writings
> about this.
> thanks, James
> *******************************************
> James DeFilippis
> Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
> Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
> 33 Livingston Avenue, Room 365
> New Brunswick, NJ 08901
> 732-932-3822, ext. 734

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