*Call for Participation*

for an international workshop on

*Alternative Discourses of Payments for Ecosystem Services in the Global

Duke University

April 10-12, 2016

*Applications Due November 25, 2016*


Christine Folch, Department of Anthropology


Elizabeth Shapiro-Garza, Nicholas School of the Environment (


Duke University Africa Initiative <https://sites.duke.edu/africainitiative/>

Duke Tropical Conservation Initiative <https://sites.duke.edu/dtci/>

Global Brazil Lab at the Franklin Humanities Institute

Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke <http://kenan.ethics.duke.edu/>


Payments for ecosystem services (PES) provide financial incentives to
landowners to manage ecosystems in ways that are thought to produce
environmental benefits: greenhouse gas sequestration, biodiversity
conservation, or cleaner and/or greater quantities of water downstream.
Based on a neoclassical economic model of direct, voluntary transactions
and promoted as more efficient and effective than government regulation,
PES and other “market-based” approaches have dominated the discourse of
environmental NGOs and government agencies since the 1990s. However, few,
if any, existing initiatives conform to this original model. Understanding
the ways in which the conceptualization and implementation of PES has been
altered by grounded political, economic and cultural contexts is vitally
important both for theorizing alternative logics of the value of nature and
for the pragmatic goal of designing PES initiatives with positive
environmental and social outcomes.

Duke University will host an innovative, three-day international workshop to
bring together practitioners and scholars who have been integrally involved
in implementing and/or researching six of the longest standing PES
initiatives in the Global South into collaboration with each other and with
a diversity of scholars and students of PES at Duke University and beyond.
Combining multidisciplinary perspectives and grounded experience, teams of
practitioners, scholars and students will work together to characterize the
origins and dynamics of alternative discourses of PES and the ways in which
they have altered the conformations of each of these initiatives. Outcomes
of the workshop will include written policy white papers developed by each
team, a journal special issue or book, and further collaborations amongst
the formed network of workshop participants.

*Proposed Case Studies*

While we are interested in exploring alternative discourses of PES broadly,
the following six initiatives have been selected as the primary focus of
the workshop:

*Brazil* ~ Bolsa Floresta <http://fas-amazonas.org/programa-bolsa-floresta/>,
Fundação Amazonas Sustentável (FAS)

*Ecuador* ~ Programa Sociobosque <http://sociobosque.ambiente.gob.ec/>,
Ministerio del Ambiente de Ecuador

*Mexico* ~ Programas Nacionales de Pagos por Servicios Ambientales
Comisión Nacional Forestal de México

*Guatemala* ~ 48 Cantones, Totonicapán, Programa de Incentivos para
Pequeños Poseedores de Tierras de Vocación Forestal o Agroforestal
<http://inab.gob.gt/paginas%20web/Pinpep.aspx>, Instituto Nacional de
Bosques de Guatemala and Ecologic Development Fund

*Vietnam* ~ Vietnam Forest Protection and Development Fund <http://vnff.vn/>

*South Africa* ~ Working for Water Program
<https://www.environment.gov.za/projectsprogrammes/wfw>, Department of
Environmental Affairs, Republic of South Africa

Groups of practitioners, scholars and students will work together during
and directly after the workshop to develop policy white papers that will
detail the alternative discourses of PES in each case, how these discourses
have influenced project implementation and outcomes, and apply relevant
theory to explain these dynamics.


There is no conference fee. Travel costs must be covered by participants,
including flights (Raleigh-Durham airport), ground travel, hotel and most
meals. Some funding is available to cover travel costs for participants who
are directly associated with one of the six PES cases coming from the
Global South and can be requested at the time of application.

Participants should plan to arrive in Durham, North Carolina by the late
afternoon on Sunday, April 9 and stay through the evening of April 12.
Commitment to attend the workshop for its entire duration and to contribute
significantly to the development of the PES case study white papers is

*Application Process*

Applications open October 25, 2016 must be completed by November 25, 2016.
A second CFP will be sent with the links to the application portal.


Application deadline: November 25, 2016

Notification of acceptance: December 5, 2016

Deadline for confirming participation: January 6, 2017

Arrive in Durham: afternoon of Sunday, April 9, 2017

Workshop begins: morning of Monday, April 10, 2017

Workshop ends: evening of Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Final group case studies due: May 1, 2017

Please contact Kate Abendroth <kathryn.abendr...@duke.edu> and Elizabeth
Shapiro-Garza <elizabeth.shap...@duke.edu> with any questions you may have
about the workshop or on how to apply.
*Elizabeth Shapiro-Garza*
Assistant Professor of the Practice of Environmental Policy & Management
<http://fds.duke.edu/db/Nicholas/esp/faculty/es159> &
Director of the Certificate Program in Community-Based Environmental
Management <http://sites.nicholas.duke.edu/communitycertificate/>
Director for Community Engagement, Duke University Superfund Research Center
Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University
4013 Environment Hall (physical)
P.O. Box 90328 (mailing)
Durham, NC, 27708-0328
Tel: (919) 681-7781 (USA)
Skype: e.shapiro.duke
Email: elizabeth.shap...@duke.edu

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