First and final reminder. Apologies for cross-postings.

Application deadline for both events is 15 January 2018.


Dear colleagues,

The Global Network on Financial Geography (FINGEO) is organizing the Fifth
Global Seminar and First Spring School at Vrije Universiteit Brussels,
respectively on 28-29 May and 30 May-2 June 2018. 

The FINGEO Global Seminar deals with the theme of “European Spaces of
Financialization” and offers keynotes by: 

·        Kavita Datta (Queen Mary University of London) 

·        Julie Froud (The University of Manchester) 

·        Bob Jessop (Lancaster University) 

·        Andreas Nölke (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt) 

The FINGEO Spring School offers an Early Career program aimed at advanced
methodological training and reflexive peer debate that intends to aid the
consolidation of an emerging global community of financial geographers.
Therefore, the FINGEO Spring School offers an intense engagement with the
research themes, theoretical perspectives, and methodologies that those
studying the intricate relations between finance and space may encounter. On
the programme are Methods Master Classes, Reading and Discussion Seminars,
Peer Review Sessions, Career Development Sessions, Visits & Fieldtrips, and
Social Events.

Application deadline for both events 15 January 2018. More information about
the program and application procedure in annex and via:
eminar-and-1st-fingeo-spring-school/ for the Global Seminar
chool/ for the Spring School

Hope to see you in Brussels!



Associate Professor @ Cosmopolis: Centre for Urban Research

Treasurer @ FinGeo: The Global Network on Financial Geography

Department of Geography
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Building F - Room 6F326
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels


t: +32 (0)2 629 33 87

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