>A Shetland is about half the size of our present sheep and fits
>small holdings much better than large sheep.  This is probably
>the trend for the future and is a good thing to explore.  I suspect
>many houses with a small lawn and garden could develop
>a somewhat sustainable cycle with Shetlands.
>The literature says they are friendly and even wag their tails
>when petted.  I'm skeptical of most of the claims about
>how much easier they are to raise, but we will soon learn
>for ourselves.  One thing is for sure, Julie will soon have
>some Shetlands.
> ----
Shetlands can sometimes run into nutritional problems, but if they have
access to a nice variety of "weeds" as well as boring old grass they can
sort it out for themselves. Just remember they fit through smaller spaces
in the fence and are really fond of the growing shoots of apple trees. The
wool is really nice to spin


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