Hi Karl,

Updated and rebuilt with your commit be902a4b33,
and can confirm my test3.html now works... thanks...

That is when browsing test3.html the link exists -
{Contact NASA}

It is different to say the test2.html case in
that there is no indication of this link output
by my debug libtidy...

It is there in the redirected db5 text -
> get href
< http://www.nasa.gov/about/contact/index.html
= http://www.nasa.gov/about/contact/index.html

However, as you state, I still get NOTHING browsing
the base nasa page... nor the above contact link page...

As we know both pages, and probably many others on
that nasa site, are built entirely by javascript...
but obviously my test3.html does not exactly mirror
the js used...

And the sort of basic 'template' used for each of these pages,
and probably others, is -

 <body class="html ... etc ...">
  <div class="l-page ember-init-hide">
  <header class="l-header container-fluid" role="banner"></header>
   <div class="l-main">
    <div class="l-content container-fluid" id="main" role="main">
  <footer class="l-footer container-fluid" role="contentinfo"></footer>

One small thing - I note you added a 'footer' array
and a case for it, in startwindow.js, assume that matches the tag -
<footer class="l-footer container-fluid" role="contentinfo"></footer>

What about the 'header' tag matching -
<header class="l-header container-fluid" role="banner"></header>
Or is this handled elsewhere?

And the other case is the main page content -
<div class="l-content container-fluid" id="main" role="main">

Each of these should contain a whole list of links... just
hovering my mouse over various parts of the visual page
and I count upwards of 70 different links... and edbrowse
gets NONE!

Of course the site is filled with stunning visual images,
but on most there is a LOT of readable text and descriptions,
and edbrowse gets 'nothing'!

Do not know what else to try... ideas welcome...

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