I've been working on a lot of stuff in the meantime, but I think it's all 
orthogonal, touching different sourcefiles, so we shouldn't collide.

I'm still not sure where you're headed.
If there is a change to the user interface, could you float that by us first, 
before you implement?
Maybe this situation is analogous.
If you have a file in buffer and you want to play it but it has no suffix and 
nothing to key on to tell you how to play it,
you can type pb.mp3  play buffer like mp3, or pb.wav etc.
Are you thinking something like   b.pdf   url
download, and render like it's pdf?
g.rtf go to this link and render like it's rich text?
Or is it all in the config file:
plugin {
if protocol is gopher than render this way.
Or something else????

Pretend like you're writing the usersguide documentation first (which nobody 
and post that and then maybe I can say something intelligent.

Karl Dahlke
Edbrowse-dev mailing list

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