Chuck Hallenbeck wrote on Fri, Jul 20, 2018:
> My daughter with her Windows laptop created an account for me on
> successfully.  The kapcha took a form I have never seen
> before.  Instead of an image to copy to an input field,  it took the
> form of a series of statements to click on, each of them reading:
> I am not a robot

These are google reCAPTCHA, most people only see this box... As an
annoying user I get various image challenges (for example displays a
grid of images and pick the ones with cars, street signs, store fronts
There also are audio challenges which aren't easy either, it's a track
full of white noise and someone speaking difficult words with a strong
accent -- I just tried two and I can't say I understood what they said,
so maybe I'm a robot?

Technically this is a frame that is created by js, filled by js, and
when yu're done clicking stuff in it fills in one of the forms field of
the parent page by js.
I'm not sure we want to spend time making this work with edbrowse,
honestly, it sounds easier to get help like you did unfortunately :/

> On my linux desktop, I entered:
> edbrowse
> and got their opening page again. Selecting the Log In link this
> time instead of the Sign Up link, I got to a page that said "3 lines
> were replaced by line 1" and the page before me was one line long,
> with no printable characters on that line.

The 3 lines before that one empty line are:
Sorry, your browser does not support the technologies needed to use our web 
Please make sure you have the latest version, and that JavaScript is enabled.
{Learn more about our browser requirements}.

Just before that I see an uncaught exception: uncaught throw: TypeError:
cannot read property 'replace' of undefined (line 1)
so I think something in our js didn't please them...

> In order to test sending and receiving mail using the account I
> had created, I had to know the format of the smtp and imap servers
> (fastmail no longer supports the pop protocol) so I did a google
> search for:  fastmail smtp server name
> I reached fastmail documentation and found what I think is a
> showstopper.
> I cannot use my account password to connect to their servers. Instead,
> I need to create and use an "app password".  It turns out I can only
> create an app password for an app on their list of supported apps,
> and of course that list does not contain any Linux apps: no mutt,
> no alpine, and of course no edbrowse.

I think there is no such thing as app-specific requirement. They say it
works with thunderbird and there is no magic there, so
mutt/alpine/edbrowse should work if we can get to the app password -
it's just a password specific to imap/smtp that they call that way to
differenciate it with the web interface password.

I'll admit I didn't try though, I stopped when they started asking for
my phone number and my curiosity stops when I have to give personal
information to these companies, but if you're willing to try maybe you
can ask your daughter to generate that password for you as well. I
believe that once it's setup it should work for classic imap/smtp and
shouldn't change


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