Because your trading partner will have their own ideas and in the real world 
one must work with trading partners while attempting to educate them rather 
than butting one's head against the wall.  Also, just because a field is 
alphanumeric it does not mean that only alpha or only numeric characters must 
be used, it simply means that both are allowed.  Therefore, a string of numbers 
only is just as valid as a string of alpha characters or a string of both.  
Since the purpose of the ST control number (in my opinion) is to indicate 
position in the GS as well as "count" them, numeric makes the most sense to my 
human brain.  Alpha would work ok up to 26, but then one would either need to 
start adding numbers or AA, AB, AC or would it be AA, BA, CA?  And, would AA 
come after Z or would my translator somehow put AA after A and then B?  You see 
the point here, once you get outside the "box" of straight numbering, there are 
too many variables for easy
 integration.  Having said this, I don't know any translator that would 
automatically check for sequence in ST control numbers and a person could 
figure it out, as this would likely only be done in the case of an error.  In 
that case, why make it harder on your TP?  Pretty much everyone uses Arabic 
numbers and can count, if they're in this business.  

I have seen trading partners use a numeric format of the ISA or GS control 
number followed by 0001, 0002, etc as the ST/SE control numbers and I have seen 
other numeric permutations used.  I've also seen alpha characters in GS control 
numbers, but not yet in ST/SE.  Unless you count spaces, which you should, as 
they're technically "alpha".  IMHO any decent translator should be able to deal 
with ST*856*   1'  for example and not require ST*856*0001', although I have 
run into issues with that before, as well.


 From: vincent samuel <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2013 12:21 AM
Subject: Re: [EDI-L] Tech question about Control number

Why dont you just follow what the standards say - numeric or alphanumeric?

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