On 08/24/15 08:15, Ni, Ruiyu wrote:
> Jordan,
> The mail is too long so let me summarize in below: (I changed all
> API name to remove "Lib")
> 1. Have four or six BLT APIs?
>   four: BltVideoFill BltVideoToVideo BltVideoToBuffer BltBufferToVideo
>   six:  BltVideoFill BltVideoToVideo BltVideoToBuffer BltBufferToVideo
>         BltVideoToBufferEx BltBufferToVideoEx
>   I prefer 4 because it aligns to the GOP protocol 4 BLT operations
>   and the parameters are also aligned.
>   You prefer 6 for easy calling.
> Laszlo and Mike,
>   any ideas?

No particular preference on my part.


> 2. BltConfigure/BltFreeConfiguration
>    2.a. I agree to use the handle to hold the shift/mask. But I need to
>         see whether there is any concerns from Mike.
>    2.b. I suggest to use VOID * instead of EFI_HANDLE. Let's wait for
>         Andrew/Mike's input.
> 3. VideoModeSetLib for more abstraction
>    I agree to either change the driver name as you suggested, either in
>    the other way to have a more generic GOP driver. Do you know any
>    graphics driver developers? Can you ask them if the more generic GOP
>    driver will satisfy their needs?
> Thanks,
> Ray

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