
The IScsiDxe implementation in EDK2 publishes the iBFT with the target IP 
address to which it connected to, and not the configured IP. These IPs will be 
the same if there is no iSCSI redirection. However, if the configured target 
redirects the initiator to another target (as part of iSCSI Login response), 
the Session data is updated to the new target IP.

To my knowledge, there doesn't look to be any standard/specification governing 
this, so I believe this is open to debate. 

The reason for this question is that the configured IP address may be that of a 
server that's doing the redirect to achieve load balancing or high availability 
in the cluster.

Now if we set the Target IP address in the iBFT to the final IP to which we 
connected, we lose the redirection capability in case the target at the final 
IP goes down, and the OS wants to re-establish the connection. 

If we published the original configured IP, then the OS will attempt to 
reconnect to the configured IP in the iBFT, and will get redirected to another 
target which is up.

So do you think it makes sense to publish the original configured static IP (or 
the original IP provided via DHCP) instead of the redirected IP? What are your 
thoughts on this?

edk2-devel mailing list
  • [edk2] Question on iBFT for i... Subramanian, Sriram (EG Servers Platform SW)

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