Sorry Rod, called you Rob. I blame pre coffee emailing. My bad.


Andrew Fish

> On Jun 15, 2018, at 8:01 AM, Andrew Fish <> wrote:
>> On Jun 15, 2018, at 6:17 AM, Rod Smith < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> On 06/14/2018 08:35 PM, Robinson, Herbie wrote:
>>> I have been tasked with implementing EFI boot in our VOS operating
>>> system (in a panic, nobody bothered to tell us ahead of time that
>>> legacy boot was being dropped from the BIOS on our latest hardware).
>>> I think we have a pretty good handle on writing the bootloader, but I
>>> can't find any solid information on creating an empty EFI System
>>> Partition bearing the correct flavor of FAT32 to put the bootloader
>>> in.
>> The EFI spec has some quirky CYA-type wording about its filesystem,
> Rob,
> Thanks for all this info. 
> The CYA is the UEFI Spec referencing the FAT spec I cross linked. Given a 
> specification needs to be the arbiter of truth some times it is required to 
> be pedantic. In this case the UEFI Spec needed a definition of FAT32, and 
> that is the one and only FAT spec. contributed by Microsoft. 
>> but
>> AFAIK, any common tool for creating a FAT32 filesystem should work. I
>> generally do it with mkdosfs in Linux, but equivalent tools in macOS,
>> Windows, or the BSDs also work. In practice, FAT16 and FAT12 usually
>> work, too, although the EFI spec does explicitly say at one point that
>> the filesystem should be FAT32, and I know of at least one
>> implementation that gets a little flaky with FAT16, so I'd stick with
>> FAT32. An exception is if you need a very small filesystem, as on a
>> bootable optical disc, in which case FAT16 or FAT12 might be required.
>> Also, I've seen reports of problems with filesystems smaller than 512MiB
>> on some EFIs, so I recommend making it at least that large, at least if
>> it will be on a hard disk.
> I seem to remember that the FAT32 spec also defined FAT16 and FAT12. it also 
> defines when FAT32, FAT16, or FAT12 should be used for media.
> If the edk2 FAT driver has an issue with media that conform to the FAT32 spec 
> we should fix that. If the issue is non conferment, then we need to decide if 
> the fix can be made that will follow the FAT Spec. See that CYA was useful 
> after all :). 
> Thanks,
> Andrew Fish
>> Ideally, the EFI System Partition (ESP) should be identified by the
>> correct partition table type code. On an MBR disk, this is 0xEF; and on
>> a GPT disk, it's C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B, which is
>> identified in various ways depending on the partitioning software (type
>> EF00 in gdisk; a "boot flag" or "esp flag" set in parted; etc.). GPT is
>> preferable, particularly for installations on hard disks, since some
>> OSes tie the boot mode to the partition table type. (Of course, this
>> might not be an issue for you -- it depends on what you're preparing.)
>> In practice, I'm not aware of any EFI that actually requires the
>> partition type code to be set correctly; every one I've tried will boot
>> fine even if the type code is set to something other than an official
>> ESP type code. That said, I'd set the type code correctly just to be
>> sure it works on an oddball system, and to avoid confusion if/when users
>> look at the disk.
>> If the boot medium is an optical disc, you'll need a particular variant
>> of an El Torito boot image. If you need help with this, please say so; I
>> can dig up the details, or at least point you to a sample mkisofs command.
>>> I need to end up with a binary image file (which I can process
>>> into an object module and embed into our OS code for initializing
>>> disks).
>> GPT places data structures at both the beginning and the end of the
>> disk, which might create some complications, depending on your exact
>> needs. If you need to write an image to a blank disk of unknown size,
>> several options occur to me:
>> * You can use MBR, which does not rely on data structures at the
>> end of the disk. As noted above, though, that's a little iffy in
>> some cases -- but it might be fine for your case (it's hard to
>> tell without more details).
>> * You can prepare a virtual image of a small disk and write it out
>> to a larger disk, leaving the backup GPT data structures before
>> the end of the disk; then either:
>> * Leave it that way, which will effectively limit the size of the
>>   disk. This might be OK for a USB flash drive.
>> * Use a disk partitioning tool to relocate the backup GPT data
>>   structures to the end of the disk. The sgdisk "-e" option will
>>   do this, for instance. IIRC, parted will do it automatically,
>>   or at least prompt that it be done, if any operation is performed
>>   on the disk.
>> * You can create an image of the FAT32 ESP filesystem ONLY (without
>> partition table), then have your wrapper tool use sgdisk, parted,
>> or some other tool to prepare a disk with GPT and an ESP. You'd
>> then write out the image to the ESP on the disk you've just
>> partitioned.
>> Caveat/full disclosure: I mostly use Linux, so I've referenced Linux
>> commands. I'm also the author of GPT fdisk (gdisk, sgdisk, and cgdisk);
>> but of course, other tools on many platforms can do what you need.
>>> I found a thread on submitting a "GPT" EFI shell application on this
>>> list, but it seems to have trailed off to nowhere about two years
>>> ago.
>>> Did that end up somewhere that I haven't found?
>>> Herbie Robinson Software Architect Stratus Technologies |
>>> 5 Mill and Main Place, Suite 500 | Maynard, MA 01754 
>>> T: +1-978-461-7531 | E: [Stratus
>>> Technologies]<>
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