On 10/08/12 09:42, Jordan Justen wrote:
> Thanks Laszlo. Committed in r13801.
> Two requests for your next virtio series:
> 1. Add inclusion guards in VirtioBlkDxe/*.h

Regarding headers. I have a working virtio-scsi driver now (no nice
comments yet), but I have some parts that are shared by virtio-blk and
virtio-scsi. You mentioned "OvmfPkg/Include/IndustryStandard" as a new
directory to host the type and macro definitions, but I also have some
functions to extract. Where should I put the header file with the
function declarations, and the C file with the function definitions?


Ugh. For some reason I was convinced that OFFSET_OF didn't exist yet.
It's not that I forgot to search for it, I searched and decided it
wasn't there. Strange.

> I noticed the -drive file=cd.iso,if=virtio doesn't seem to boot the
> ISO. This does work for seabios. I wonder if this is luck based on the
> ISO layout, or if seabios detects this.

I have not tested this scenario. I tried it now (from virt-manager, as
usual), but "Advanced Options | Disk bus" for CD-ROMs only allows two
values, IDE and SCSI. Virtio is not listed.

> Perhaps SCSI based virtio will detect it as a CD/DVD, and work correctly?

I tested that now.

OVMF boots grub2 from the Fedora-18-Alpha-x86_64-Live-XFCE.iso
virtio-scsi CD-ROM. Later the installer fails with
<https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Common_F18_bugs#uefi-dvd-fail>, but I
think that is an initrd problem. Listed from the emergency shell,
"/proc/modules" contains virtio_net and virtio_blk, but not virtio_scsi.
I submitted <https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=864012>.

I tested the same with the Windows 8 Consumer Preview ISO (build 8250).
It boots. I powered off the virtual machine at the first window
("Windows Setup", language / locale selection). Relevant options on the
qemu-kvm command line:

-device virtio-scsi-pci,id=scsi0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x5
                      ^^^^^                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


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