Hello Bibbet,

Thank you for the info. I appreciate it.  FWIW, I was just curious what the
package was as I was poking around.

Speaking of opensource, here is a good video on UEFI and Android.  Off
camera you can hear Dong Wei from HP speaking a few times.  I just happened
to be listening to this one while digging around in the code.


On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 12:36 PM, Blibbet <blib...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Use QEMU/OVMF, it gets more attention from Intel than DUET, which was an
> older tech. I don't think anyone at ARM cares about DUET, but theydo
> care about helping QEMU/OVMF.
> The UEFI Forum doesn't bother to update OVMF binaries to their download
> site, they're ancient. They presume you'll use the UDK/EDK2 to build
> your own fresh ones. If you don't want to build your own and need some
> existing binaries, look to the Linux community, for their research in
> learning how to work around SecureBoot. There are multiple fresh OVMFs
> there. Focus on the few Linux companies that're members of the UEFI
> Forum (Canonical, RedHat, Ubuntu), and their free distros, Fedora,
> Ubuntu, OpenSUSE.
> http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/OVMF
> http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:UEFI_Secure_boot_using_qemu-kvm
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Testing_secureboot_with_KVM
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/SecureBoot
> http://blog.hansenpartnership.com/uefi-secure-boot/
> http://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/
> If you really want to try and use DUET, look to external DUET extensions
> that make the TianoCore DUET release usable. There's this one, and one
> other I can't find at the moment:
> https://gitorious.org/tianocore_uefi_duet_builds
> If you're on a budget and can't get a Tunnel Mountain, I'd suggest an
> ARM dev board, over the Minnow. Minnowboard is good, but AFAIK you can't
> update the firmware, you have to wait for Intel to produce the binaries,
> so it's not that useful. If/when you can update your own firmware, then
> it'll become a lot more useful for EFI dev.
> Take a look at Linaro.org's ARM dev boards, and their fork of EDK2 for
> ARM. You can use their Ubuntu or Android binaries, and use their UEFI,
> in QEMU, or with live hardware.
> http://releases.linaro.org/latest/components/kernel/uefi-linaro
> https://wiki.linaro.org/ARM/UEFI
> https://wiki.linaro.org/LEG/Engineering/Kernel/UEFI/
> https://launchpad.net/linaro-uefi
> https://snapshots.linaro.org/components/kernel/uefi-next
> https://snapshots.linaro.org/components/kernel/uefi/
> https://wiki.linaro.org/LEG/Enginering/Kernel/UEFI/UEFI_Network_Booting
> If you're on a budget, ignore hardware and just use QEMU/OVMF.
> My $.02
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