In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Bob Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hasty writing -- I was responding to the cited
> post. More than two questions were considered by
> Hengartner -- he had charts indicating the
> possible effects of recounting Dade County were it
> to behave as did the other recounted counties.

Hengartner presented one very interesting analysis.  A huge issue in the
 post-election debate is bias by the Broward County election board in
assigning dimpled chads to Bush and Gore.  Governor Marc Racicot from
Montana, Gov. Whitman, and Bob Dole have all accused the Broward County
Board of bias in favor of Gore.
  Hengartner's simple analysis shows that after the machine recount in
Broward County, the percentage of Bush to Gore votes was 31% to 69%.
The additional votes, after the hand recount and assignment of some
of the "undervote", were in the percentage of Bush 34% to Gore 66%.
Hengartner simply stated that the direction of the change didn't even
warrant a test for bias in favor of Gore.  Very clear analysis.
  The full transcript is available on the Washington Post web site.

Eugene D. Gallagher

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