On Tue, 18 Sep 2001 21:15:25 +0200, Robert Chung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[ snip, some of mine, and his comments]

>                            ... My main point was and
> still is that the Slate author used RTM in a sloppy way. That's
> what I meant by "cavalier." 

I never read the Slate article until today.  I think I said 
at the start, that I was (essentially) tickled pink that anybody
would write something about RTM  for public consumption.

Having read it, I can say that I didn't find him  "cavalier."

However much he was right about the expectations for BB, 
and it is true that RTM accounts for some placebo effect, 
I'm afraid that 
I think that
it happens that 
he was wrong about the particular article on Placebo-effect --
if that is the one that we discussed a few months ago.
 - see my other response today on this thread 
(which I intend to write, immediately).


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