"janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I have a correlation formula I don't get to work. And we must use this
> formula on the test. Let me give you an example: Let's say X  and  Y
> are:
> x    y
> 1   68
> 2   91
> 3   102
> 3   107
> 4   105
> 4   114
> 5   115
> 6   127
> _   ___
> 28  829
> _                    _
> X is =3.5 and Y is =103.625
> Now to my problem. Look at the formula in this URL:
> http://www.jannesgallery.com/corr.html.
> How do I do the first (X-X(with a line above))? I have tried to take
>         _
>    X-X
> 1-3.5=2.5
> 2-3.5=-1.5
> 3-3.5=-0.5
> 3-3.5=-0.5
> 4-3.5=0.5
> 4-3.5=0.5
> 5-3.5=1.5
> 6-3.5=2.5
> ________
> 0
> As you see the answer is zero. What do I do wrong? and the same with
> Y-Y(with a line above). It turns out to be zero. Please help me to tell
> how I should do.
> Janne
The sum is:

(1-3.5)*(68-103.625) + (2-3.5)*(91-103.625) + ... + (6-3.5)*(127-103.625)

which, in general, will not be zero.

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