sure is easy in minitab ... one can draw a very nice curve (it's easy but, 
hard to post here) but, to make a distribution easy for viewing we can

MTB > rand 100000 c1; <<< generated 100000 values from
SUBC> chis 4.  <<< a chi square distribution with 4 degrees of freedom
MTB > dotp c1

Dotplot: C1

Each dot represents up to 778 points
          ::::::::::::::::::......................... .    .
        0.0       6.0      12.0      18.0      24.0      30.0

MTB > desc c1

Descriptive Statistics: C1

Variable             N       Mean     Median     TrMean      StDev    SE Mean
C1              100000     4.0123     3.3729     3.7727     2.8350     0.0090

Variable       Minimum    Maximum         Q1         Q3
C1              0.0080    29.4143     1.9236     5.4110

not quite as fancy as the professional graph but, will do in a pinch

At 06:27 PM 2/21/02 -0800, David Heiser wrote:

>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ronny Richardson
>Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 7:29 PM
>Subject: Chi-square chart in Excel
>Can anyone tell me how to produce a chart of the chi-square distribution in
>Excel? (I know how to find chi-square values but not how to turn those into
>a chart of the chi-square curve.)
>Ronny Richardson
>Excel does not have a function that gives the Chi-Square density
>The following might be helpful regarding future graphs. It is a fraction of
>a larger "package" I am preparing. It is awkward to present it in .txt
>Beta                                            BETADIST 
>Binomial                        BINOMST CRITBINOM
>Chi-Square                                      CHIDIST         CHINV
>Exponential                     EXPONDIST       EXPONDIST
>F                                               FDIST                   FINV
>Gamma                           GAMMADIST       GAMMADIST 
>Hyper geometric         HYPGEOMDIST
>Log Normal                                      LOGNORMDIST             LOGINV
>Negative Binomial               NEGBINOMDIST
>Normal(with parameters) NORMDIST        NORMDIST                NORMINV
>Normal (z 
>values)                               NORMSDIST               NORMSINV
>Poisson                 POISSON
>t                                               TDIST                   TINV
>Weibull                                 WEIBULL
>You have to build a column (say B) of X values.
>Build an expression for column C calculating the Chi-Square density, given
>the x value in col B and the df value in A1.
>It would be "=exp(($A$1/2)*LN(2) + GAMMALN($A$1/2) + (($A$1/2)-1)*LN(B1) -
>B1/2)" without the quotes.
>You can equation-drag this cell down column C for each X value.
>Now build a smoothed scatter plot graph as series 1 with the X value column
>B and the Y value as column C.
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