A good book is 
Pinheiro, J.C. and Bates., D.M.  "mixed models with S and S-Plus", 

Kjetil Halvorsen

Dr Jonathan Newman wrote:
> I'm trying to find a good introduction to REML (restricted maximum
> likelihood).  I'm a biologist rather than a statistician.  If you have any
> suggestions I'd great appreciate hearing them.  Thanks.
> ----------------------------------
> Dr Jonathan Newman
> St. Peter's College, New Inn Hall Street, Oxford  OX1 2DL  Tel. 01865
> 271278891  Fax. 01865 278855 or
> Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1
> 3PS  Tel. 01865 271279  Fax. 01865 271168
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://users.ox.ac.uk/~zool0264
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