kirby urner wrote:
At the other end, Python gives me a language I can talk to another
programmer in, and I can also run parts of the discussion on a machine.
There are other languages that do that, of course, but none that are
so easily communicated to a "random other" without spending more time
talking about the mechanics than about the idea.  I suspect this is why
Kirby likes APL so much, he can easily express large-swath ideas.  For
me, APL too quickly becomes terse little chunks.  But Kirby and I
program about different things.

--Scott David Daniels

Yeah, plus when I got involved with APL in 1976-1977, we didn't have
Python.  This was the first / only language with REPL in my reality,
i.e. I could type at a terminal and get an immediate reply, what a
difference!  Same think people like about Python.

My APL is rusty by now, so if someone wants to collaborate with me on
communicating some large-swath ideas in at least partly working code,
I prefer Python.  Like here's some "manga code" from the PPUG list:

Thanks for you input Scott.

You should definitely take a look at

as this is where Python can be very useful in science -- the
"stand at a whiteboard and scrawl and argue" phases.  I do it
for computer science, but I've used it to talk evolution with
a creationist -- explaining how recognizers can (and are) trained
to match things from weighted inputs and evaluate-crossover cycles
where the programmer has no idea how to solve the problem, but can
train a machine to do so.

--Scott David Daniels

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