I notice the worries about dragons expressed here:


The type versus function distinction is too big an idea to get into here.
Skulpt is 2.x flavored for sure.  We notice that in Codesters as well.

This looks like an excellent resource regardless and I plan on sharing a
link to this book in class tonight, in part just to encourage a culture
wherein collaboration on teaching texts is more the norm than the exception.

Good work.

On another topic (but related to co-authoring teaching materials):

When do teachers think it's appropriate to start in with LaTeX?  Given it
works in Jupyter Notebooks between $s, without downloading anything fancy,
I'm thinking no later than 9th grade?  That's assuming the school is using
Jupyter Notebooks in 9th grade.  I'd hate to imagine a school that isn't
(just kidding, I know that most don't, no need to imagine).

I'm far from being a master of LaTeX myself, however I plan to introduce it
to a class of middle-to-high schoolers later this month, when I teach
Martian Math.

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