English Exchange - the mailing list of English the international language.
Welcome to the latest edition of English Exchange - the free mailing list of English 
the international language.

Sadly, as I write, a terrible war is being waged in Iraq.

I would like to invite English Exchange members to post their views on this war.

George Bush and Tony Blair claim that Iraq has terrible weapons of mass destruction 
that make it a threat to world peace. They claim the only way to neutralise that 
threat is to disarm Iraq by force and overthrow the regime of Saddam Hussein.

Opponents of the war believe that the war was unnecessary because iraq did not pose a 
threa to any other countries. They believe Iraq could have been disarmed peacefully if 
the United Nations weapons inspection process had been given more time. War critics 
also believe the U.S. and U.K. have hidden motives for starting this war, such as 
securing cheap oil supplies.

What do you think? Please share your views with the list by e-mailing [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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English worldwide http://www.twinisles.com/english

English the international language; Free lessons, Advice and Resources for learners of 
English worldwide http://www.twinisles.com/english
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