Le 08/01/14 13:35, Thierry Simonnet a écrit :
I copied org.gnome.ekiga.gschema.xml to ...Programs\Ekiga\share\glib-2.0\schemas. I executed glib-compile-schemas.exe share\glib-2.0\schemas.

I think this should be automated. Eugen, is that fixable ?

No more messages..... but :
  1. I loose my previous config and address book

I wrote a .convert file. There is a conversion utility called gsettings-data-convert (see http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/maverick/man1/gsettings-data-convert.1.html)

The annoying thing is that we changed the way Accounts are stored and there is currently no way to convert from the old format to the new one. I talked to Julien about that, but I do not know if he intends doing something for it or not. Julien, can you comment ?

  1. I can't connect my ekiga.net account

This was broken until recently. Julien recently fixed it. Are you using latest GIT code ?

  1. I can't call nor receive even using my local PBX

Same question.


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