On Thu, 1 Sep 2016 09:13:22 <eugen.d...@univ-fcomte.fr> wrote:
> On 01/09/16 06:55, David Niklas wrote:
> > Today I once again tried to start up and get running ekiga.
> > I noticed when I did the echo test that the above message
> > was displayed briefly in the window.  
> Security check failed means that it cannot register, so you cannot do 
> anything afterwards.  A common reason is that you has Network detection 
> option in preferences checked off.  Put it on and restart ekiga.

Network det is on.
Ah, is the account name my REAL name or my USER name.
Changed it. Now I'm getting could not configure network error.
I must connect to the net via hot spots of stores and libraries.
Could they be blocking me?
Trying an Iphone, nope.

> > I also get "No common codec". I do have all codecs enabled
> > in the options.
> I think this is because the above problem.
> > % ekiga -d4
> > (ekiga:29164): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 4294967295 was not
> > found when attempting to remove it  
> This is benign message, which appears in many other applications by the
> way.
I knew you'd ask for the debug output eventually though (:
It remains the same, btw.

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