Hi Champak,

> On second thoughts, would you be able to make "Azure support completely
> optional" as I would like to be able to use the API ?

I'll add this to my TO-DO list, butmaybe there's a workaround:

1. Pick a directory on your computer that's *not* part of ecrypts
(e.g., `/tmp` -- which I'll use in the following)
2. Create a virtualenv in it:

        virtualenv /tmp/elasticluster

3. Make the virtualenv relocatable:

        virtualenv --relocatable /tmp/elasticluster

4. Now activate the virtualenv:

        source /tmp/elasticluster/bin/activate

3. Install ElastiCluster there:

        git clone https://github.com/gc3-uzh-ch/elasticluster
        pip install -e /tmp/elasticluster/src

5. Now move the virtualenv into your ecrypts (e.g., `$HOME`) --
deactivate it first

        mv /tmp/elasticluster $HOME/elasticluster

Can you please try if this solves the issue?


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