In a message dated 6/17/04 10:53:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

> In the 1954 ARRL book: "Single Sideband for the Radio Amateur," W2UNJ 
> describes a phasing exciter. (The book was $1.50, by the way.)

I have a later version of that book. No mention of the W2UNJ exciter. I do 
have articles where the 9 MHz generator/ 5 MHz VFO scheme is used. There is 
always a method of flipping the sidebands, because the heterodyne scheme 
do it.

> The equipment is long gone but as I recall, the plus or minus mixing 
> scheme reversed the sidebands. 

The math tells the real story. With a 9 MHz  SSB generator and a 5-5.5 MHz 
VFO, the sidebands do not invert. But with a 5.2 MHz SSB generator and an 
8.7-9.2 MHz VFO, the sidebands *do* invert. 

This is the case for phasing exciters. 
> My recollection was a crystal filter system which was not the case.

It does not matter whether the SSB is generated by the phasing or filter 
method. The sideband inversion or lack thereof is a result of subsequent 
heterodyning to the ham band desired. 

With a phasing system, sideband inversion is very easy. All you need to do is 
reverse the phase of one of the audio channels. A DPDT switch does the job. 

> My point - as a throw away comment - was to recall the history of why 
> bands below 20m use LSB as the default SSB mode. And it was because of 
> the phase reversal due to the mixing scheme.

Understood - except it doesn't work that way for a 9 MHz SSB generator and 5 
MHz VFO. The math is not complicated - we simply add 5 MHz to the 9 to get on 
20 and subtract 5 to get on 75. Either way the sideband does not invert. 

The bigger point, and the reason for all the bandwidth, is that we do 
ourselves and amateur radio a disservice if we blindly accept such stories 
checking out the facts. What should a nonham think when presented with such a 
story, and then he/she does the math and discovers it doesn't work that way?

73 de Jim, N2EY
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