On Mon, 2004-22-11 at 20:56 -0500, Dale Boresz wrote:
> The first thing to note is that the Heil HC5 has been deliberately 
> designed to require relatively close talking.

Got that boom mic right up to my lips! :-)

> Additionally, the K2's compressor chip includes a noise gate, so a 
> "knee" exists at the point where the action changes from noise gate to 
> compressor. Below the knee, input from your microphone is actually 
> attenuated (the assumption is that any low-level noise is probably 
> undesirable background noise). Above the knee, it is amplified, although 
> held below some maximum level. My normal speaking voice is probably 
> lower, both in amplitude and pitch than lots of folks, so what ends up 
> happening is the peaks continue to hit the 100watt level, and unless I 
> shout, much of the rest of the level from the microphone ends up being 
> below the knee and therefore attenuated. 

I've noticed that behaviour as well. As long as I keep the volume of my
voice up, it seems ok, but if I speak normally it sometimes seems to cut
out on lows.

> After much experimenting, including the building of a second KSB2, I 
> ended up building the single transistor amplifier, the circuit diagram 
> of which is available on the Elecraft website. This amp completely 
> solved the problem. I now have plenty of audio, and have received quite 
> a few compliments on the audio quality. So, my suggestion to you, is to 
> take the time to build up that little preamp; you won't be disappointed.

FB Dale, I was already planning on building it. Maybe now I'll build it
sooner! :-)

> By the way, I now have two microphones with HC5 elements; one amplified, 
> and the other 'stock'. I'd be happy to set up a sked if you'd like, so 
> that you can hear the difference between the amplified, and 
> non-amplified HC5 elements.

A sked would be fine. I'm free afternoons, evenings, and weekends. Hope
you don't mind me shouting at you... :-)

73, Brian

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