I know we must all thank N0SS for suggesting this
tecnique using the Spectrogram program for K2 filter
& BFO setting, and also for providing a circuit and
pcb for a suitable noise generator. -- A LOT better
than the other methods I mentioned above.

I may have come up with using the noise generator as a signal source (truthfully, I don't recall any more), but I was NOT the one to find and suggest the use of Spectrogram... wish I had though... heheheh! In fact, here are a couple opening paragraphs from my docs... trying to give credits where it's really due...

  In September of 1999, Alan Childress, KM4DT, first brought our
  attention to the freeware program Spectrogram, and he first
  mentioned its use in aligning the K2's CW filters. Because it
  was such a radical concept, I think his comments tended to fall
  on deaf ears. Later, both W3GDZ and I wrote instructions for
  using Spectrogram
  (http://www.visualizationsoftware.com/gram.html1), to align the
  Elecraft K2's CW filters.

  Subsequent to both of those sets of instructions, Don Wilhelm,
  W3FPR, posted a fine description of the procedures he'd used to
  align his K2 for SSB reception, using Spectrogram. Again, it
  fell thru the cracks of the reflector and was lost. I doubt
  that many K2 owners picked up on it, and that's too bad.

  So, in response to several more recent requests, and in order
  to not have to re-write an individual paper for each future
  response to the subject, I am going to attempt to use Don's
  basic procedure and then set down some simple steps for basic
  alignment of the K2's SSB filters using Spectrogram. (I hope I
  can do justice to Don's initial efforts).



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