Hi folks:
The quest to transform K2 S/N 3460 into something greater than the sum of its parts has finally begun in earnest.
I am working on the Control Board right now.
I just want to confirm the assembly instructions:
R18 and R19 are basically resistors with value of 0 (zero) ohms.
So you solder in a piece of wire for each of them.
Then if and when you are ready to install KAF2, you desolder and remove the two wires at R18 and R19.
With my trusty Hakko 936 at the ready, soldering is a joy.
Desoldering, on the other hand, is something I can't seem to do even if my life depended on it. I know what conventional wisdom has to say about silver solder, but that's what I am using because it just seems so much easier to solder with. Plus, like writing a math test with a pen, it's a terrific incentive to get things right the first time. The downside is, with my skills, or lack of, if any desoldering has to be done, the patient will surely die.
Any thoughts on a "solderless" solution to R18 and R19?

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