John, W2AGN wrote:

I was pleased to complete my T1 yesterday, after receiving a couple of
1/8 watt resistors from Elecraft. Everything worked right away. Happy Dance 

Then today..I receive another envelope from Elecraft with Errata, changing
and R2 to 1 watt, and T2 to 2 stacked cores. Oh Joy, now I get to take it
apart, desolder the resistors and T2, all while trying not to melt anything


Hi, John:

That change was to beef up the bridge circuit transformer. After really
beating up some T1's to see what they'd take, it was found the original
transformer can run warm enough to cause the bridge of work incorrectly
under some conditions on the lower bands. 

Those two resistors are very easy to get to. Remove T2 first and you'll find
one of them right next to the row of inductors near the BNC end on top of
the board, and the other one on the bottom of the board near the edge
between the BNC connectors. They are well away from any sensitive relays or
other such parts. 

You'll find T2 with two stacked cores a tight fit, but it does fit FB and
will run very cool under all normal conditions on any band. Follow the
procedure in the errata in which you solder one end of the green primary
winding in before installing the transformer and it'll go in easily. 

BE SURE to wind T2 with EIGHT turns. I understand that a few of the errata
sheets may have escaped saying seven by mistake. That transformer gets EIGHT
turns just as shown in the picture and the same as in the original T2 you
are removing.

Now your T1 will be even more robust than ever.

In spite of the embarrassment and cost to Wayne and Eric to deliver a change
so quickly, it wasn't an option to ignore that weakness in the T1. It's now
the Elecraft way. Indeed, they were scrambling over the holiday weekend to
get the change out ASAP. You get a stronger, better tuner as a result. 


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