On 8/8/2010 11:46 AM, Joe Planisky wrote:

> I've resolved that I simply will not buy another piece of radio
> equipment that has fans.

  There are "fans" and there are "FANS"!

  I just replaced my main computer which sounded like a vacuum
  cleaner when it was running with a brand-new (expensive) Dell
  Professional with four - count 'em - four fans and I can't
  hear them at all. Hard to tell that the machine is turned on.
  Ditto for the HP laptop that I use with my K2 for digital

  The only real "fan noise" is the auxiliary fan that I mounted
  on top of the K2 that's controlled by the PTT circuit so it's
  not going continuously.  Now that one is loud......

--  73 de K2ASP - Phil Kane
    Elecraft K2/100   s/n 5402

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