* On 2010 01 Dec 09:16 -0600, Lee Buller wrote:
> He said, "I think Yaesu, ICOM, and Kenwood will still be around in 10 years.  
> Will Elecraft?"

With Motorola having a majority share of Vertex/Standard, will Yaesu be
around in 10 years?  Even with the release of the TS-590, Kenwood's
interest in the serious high-end of HF gear has been in some doubt for a
long time.  That leaves only Icom who appears serious enough to be
around a decade hence as a full line manufacturer.

I'll go further and suggest that 10 years from now the amateur radio
market place will look almost nothing like it does today.  Wouxun is now
on the tongue of a lot of hams.  Expect more Chinese imports to follow
and they *will* undercut the Japanese on price.  The question is when 
their performance will match the Japanese Big Three offerings.  While
the Big Three are responding to Elecraft now, their real worry would
seem to be the up and coming Chinese as they are working from the same
playbook the Japanese used 40 years ago.

But, Lee, your logical answers were unheeded because some people cannot
be outside of the comfort zone of owning what everyone else owns.  The
examples of this are legion.  In his mind, Elecraft is a bit player and
not a "safe bet".  The problem is psychological, not logical.

Elecraft interested me way back when W0EB had a booth at the KS
Convention years ago.  I just didn't express that interest outwardly nor
really to myself, but I was interested to see where this company was
going in the future.  The seed for buying a K3 was really only planted
about a year ago as I overheard testimonial after testimonial on the 
bands. Yet, I took my time and did my homework (that conservative German 
nature coming through I guess) and decided to pull the trigger before 
this autumn's operating season.  As Wayne stated, Elecraft's customers 
are the best sales force the company has.  Clearly, the K3 is not for
everyone for various reasons, but for a lot of us it is a fine radio
that will find a home in our shacks for years to come.

73, de Nate >>


"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."

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