I did, and I don't regret it much. It is sometimes valuable to have another
rig, for monitoring, getting that "rare one" when the K2 is on it's back for
the latest and greatest mod, verifying zero-beat procedures, etc.

So much so, that I bought a "second" rig. I got a Tec-Tec Delta 580 for a
station monitor. It works, but is pretty boring. So, it's on eBay. I found a
cherry HW-101 (Firebottle rig) with power supply on eBay for $160, so now I
have a station monitor!

It's also fun, but very tiring to use. Tuning, straight key, no selectivity
to speak of, blah, blah, blah, but my first rig was an HW-101 and it feels
"right". Warms up the shack nicely (more useful in other seasons).

I'd suggest keeping the rig if it's only going to pull a few hundred bucks
on eBay, and dumping it, and getting something fun if it's a nicer (to
people who have not yet been exposed to the K2) radio.


Dan / WG4S / K2 #2456

Has anyone reduced his rig collection to just a K2/100 and regretted it?

ps: I let the transmatch and discrete keyer go too. THOSE, I regret. I had
to pay $30 for a Dentron 300W tuner to run the HW, and am just polishing off
my straight key skills instead of looking for another keyer. My apologies to
the ECN!

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