
My K2 is my only HF XCVR.  I sold my 706MK2 last year to pay for some
school books.  I am in my 40's and have headed back to college to
complete my degree.  I mostly listen, and occasionaly have a QSO.  I
also use my Satellit 800 as a desk radio.  I would part with my
Grundig, but the K2 is truly a delightful day to day ham radio.  I use
it mobile, portable and at my desk, just one rig.

Confession: I did not build the little gem, I have kids and a job too,
so something had to give, so a while back I bought a few year old
fully optioned K2.  Perhaps I should start a list for folks who own
K2's and didn't melt the solder in it.

73, Mark - KC0FNS

On 5/23/05, Fred Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> EricJ wrote:
> > ... A quality boat anchor would satisfy that.
> >
> > Eric
> > KE6US
> >
> In some circles, the term "quality boat anchor" would be seen as
> oxymoronic.  On the other hand, I'd sure like my S-line back  :-)
> Fred K6DGW
> Auburn CA CM98lw
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