
An interesting idea for a multiband centre-fed antenna was described by 
W4JRW in the December 1960 issue of QST, "Multiband Antennas using 
Decoupling Stubs".

The decoupling stubs that he used are not hung at right angles to the 
antenna wire, but are "horizontal" stubs which results in a tidy 
arrangement. In fact one of the antennas he described uses a length of 
tubular Twin-Lead, one conductor forming the antenna and the second 
conductor cut and removed in places to make the decoupling stubs, which 
results in a light weight antenna easy to carry.



On Saturday, May 14, 2011 11:13 PM,  "AB5N" <> wrote:

> Wow Guys, thanks!
> It's great.. although this is my 5th sunspot cycle on the air, I am still
> challenged with
> projects like this- which I can use help with. Thanks for all the ideas!
> I guess I have come to the conclusion that nobody has really run the gamut
> trying antenna
> designs for the KX-1. It's requirements are unique (the tuner etc). I'm a
> folded-dipole fan...
> and use a Carolina Windom for my main general Hf antenna with great 
> success.
> OK, I'll "run the gamut"... with my goal being to fulfill the above
> criteria. I'll take into considerations
> all the suggestions above as well. Traps may be involved... and clip-on
> elements.
> The downside of the 25 ft wire and counterpoise is that you pick up lots 
> of
> internal processor
> noise from the KX-1. It is also just such a compromise.
> As far as if my KX-1 is actually receiving correctly.. who knows? It's
> sensitivity is adequate, but it
> is pretty deaf compared to say my FT-817. Because of the low noise floor,
> with any signal you have a chance of working with 4 watts -can be heard.
> Back to the bench!
> Bob-AB5N

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