> As I described in a previous posting, I identified
> every part by doing an inventory and placed parts 
> in a drawer system and marked the corresponding 
> drawer in the parts list. The time taken doing 
> this is probably recovered by knowing where 
> everything is ...

I did that for my K1. When I discovered missing parts and asked about it
here, I was scolded by several reflector members so I redoubled my efforts
to find them. I found some and not others. The folks at Elecraft were quick
to replace the ones that were truly lost. While building my 2-band filter
board I found another missing part but a stop at the local electronics
supply shop solved that for about 20 cents and didn't cut into my build time
at all.

I'm about half-way through the K2. I didn't bother with an inventory. I just
put all the resistors in one bin, capacitors in another, etc. I separated
the hardware a little bit to make it easier to find the different screw
sizes. When I need a cap I look for it in the cap bin. Generally you're
doing several at a time so I dump them all out to make them easier to dig
through. This is working out just fine and requires less space for bins and
drawers and eliminated the time taken to completely inventory every part.

I figure if I come up with a part that's truly missing I can either go get
it from a local supplier or ask Elecraft to send it to me, depending on how
big a hurry I'm in. Once the Field Day deadline came and went, that took a
lot of heat off so if it takes a few days to get a replacement part it's no
big deal.

After operating Field Day with an Icom 706 and its wonderful 500 Hz CW
filter, I've determined not to work another FD without my K2. (In all
fairness, we had access to two Collins KWM-380's that would have been fine
but both failed in the same way, ironically after having been thoroughly
checked out by a highly qualified technician.) So NEXT Field Day is my
absolute drop dead date, though I'm sure I'll be done long before that. :-)

K1 #1966
K2 #4941

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