Thanks Mike! Your explanation is right on and makes clear and perfect sense. 
It should be in the manual. :)

Pete Meier
Amateur Radio Callsign: WK8S
|| If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you. But if you 
really make them think, they'll hate you     - Don Marquis ||

On Mar 20, 2012, at 9:23 AM, K2MK <> wrote:

> Hi Pete,
> You are correct, it is not the A or B marker. It is the actual VFO-A or VFO-B 
> frequency. The A and B markers are something you can turn on or off and they 
> move when you rotate the P3 SELECT knob. (Personally I don't even use them). 
> The green VFO-A and purple VFO-B frequency markers are always there and their 
> width indicates the DSP width of VFO-A and VFO-B. The reason the purple 
> marker may be off the screen is because the VFO-B frequency is above or below 
> the span width of the P3.
> The behavior of these frequency markers changes slightly depending on whether 
> you are in Tracking mode or Fixed Tune mode. (I personally prefer Fixed Tune 
> mode).
> When one of the frequency markers is off the screen, an arrow will appear 
> that points to the right or left to tell you where the marker can be found.
> There is also a similar red marker that will appear when you are in SPLIT 
> mode. This is your transmit frequency marker.
> 73,
> Mike K2MK
> Ok folks,
> I'll try this question again. On the P3 display there is a purple line that
> move out or in when you set the SPAN width. This is NOT the VFO A or B marker!
> I would like to understand what it signifies and if there is any control over
> it's position other than the SPAN setting and why.
> I find on some bands it up the scale, like on 20 meters CW, with Span set at 
> 40
> it's way up at 14.186.00 when I am at 14.010.00
> But when I switch to 30 meters CW Span at 40 also its at 10.115.45 while on 
> 40M
> CW at 40 Span it's at 7.008.00
> So it confounds me what it signifies as it varies so much between bands at the
> same settings.
> Please politely enlighten me.
> Thanks,
> Pete WK8S 
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