On August 8, 2005 01:39 pm, Stuart Rohre wrote:
> L. B. Cebik, W4RNL, explored the "im balance" of the end fed Zepp antenna,
> a half wave with open wire feed where one side of the wire connects to
> nothing, and the other to the antenna end element.
> That would seem to be the extreme case of current imbalance but he found
> typically, there is only 10 per cent less current in one conductor at the
> rig end, than the other.  The line seems to divide the power available,
> rather than one wire being a true zero current.
> This was done for a floating system, or a closed system, ie dipole in
> space, no other ground.  That would pretty well approach the floating
> system you have used on rock.

So how would the Elecraft BL1 Balun do with the End-Fed Zepp? Depending on the 
ground losses, the impedance could be 5000 ohms or so. Would the 4:1 
transformation ratio still hold true? What would the efficiency of the balun 
be? Would 100 watts from a K2/100 cause saturation of the balun core?

Darrell Bellerive
Amateur Radio Stations VA7TO and VE7CLA
Grand Forks, British Columbia, Canada
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