On August 8, 2005 07:30 pm, Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:
> Many Hams try to use lengths other than 1/2 wave for the radiator and 1/4
> wave for the feeders. When you do that, all bets are off. It's like any
> "non-resonant" doublet or end-fed wire. They can work well, but you must
> have a matching network that can handle some potentially extreme
> impedances. Actually at any but the exact lengths for a proper Zepp, the
> feeder will radiate as much as the antenna. That's why non-resonant
> antennas fed with open wire line are usually center fed (so-called
> doublets). Such center fed arrangements hold decent balance regardless of
> frequency.

Even with a center fed multiband doublet, a balun would be presented with an 
extreme set of impedances. I would suspect that on some bands or frequencies 
the whole antenna system would be quite inefficient. But as QRPer's have 
proved it doesn't take much power to make contacts. A 100 watts into an 
antenna system that is only 5% efficient is still 5 watts ERP. Combine that 
with an antenna that is long in terms of wavelengths and the nulls and peaks 
of the lobes will be substantial.

Perhaps I am way behind the times, but I still think that a link coupled 
balanced tuner is the proper way to feed a balanced antenna, whether center 
fed or end fed. Modern L or T antenna tuners with a balun on the output may 
be easier and cheaper to build, but just don't seem to be designed for the 
multiband balanced antennas.

Darrell Bellerive
Amateur Radio Stations VA7TO and VE7CLA
Grand Forks, British Columbia, Canada
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