On Sep 13, 2012, at 01:41 , Ian Kahn - Ham <km4ik....@gmail.com> wrote:

> All,
> I am to the point of contemplating tuners to go with my FT-817 and 
> (probably) 20m half-wave OCF dipole antenna.  Has anyone used the 
> Elecraft T1 QRP tuner?  Can anyone speak intelligently to the (de)merits 
> of the device?  It gets really great reviews on eHam, but I tend to be 
> overly cautious of eHam reviews.  I'm interested in the opinions of 
> trusted sources before I plunk down the green for the kit.

I've used the T1 with my 817 for over a year. It is reliable, easy to use and 
solid. I am selling my 817 and I want to include the T1 in the sale so it is an 
attractive offering to the new purchaser, but I have pangs of doubt over 
parting with the T1

Even though I really do not need it anymore, it was so useful that I'm sure at 
some point in the future I will regret selling it. 
I also had the FT817-to-T1 cable but because it uses the same port as the CAT 
(or was it the data port) control, I rarely attached it at my home QTH. In the 
field, it was awesome.
There is a fairly trivial cable you can built to accommodate both the CAT and 
T1 cable - I just never got around to building it.

As close to having a built-in tuner as you could want. The size of the T1 is 
simply amazing - and as an aside, I have yet to change the battery.


Alan Hawrylyshen - K2ACK
CM86xx - Santa Cruz CA
k 2 a c k a t a r r l d o t n e t
k 2 a c k a t p o l y p h a s e d o t c a  

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