You have a number of apps connected, and you may find that each one prefers a specific setting of the AI box for its port. Do you have the problem with just LP-Bridge and DXLabs running?

I also responded in one of my posts that you can rearrange things so that DXLabs connects directly to the rig, and set up Secondary CAT in DXLabs to communicate with LP-Bridge via a virtual pair (like VSPE, com-ocom, VSP Manager, etc.). Then the rest of the apps connect to LP-Bridge.

Larry N8LP

On 12/29/2013 1:16 AM, Sam Morgan wrote:
Well since I tried to cover all my bases and ask this on 3 different reflectors, in the hopes I might get an answer I could use, I'll sum up the results and post them now.

First, thanks to all who responded to my questions.
Second I'm not trying to bash LP-Bridge, only find a fix for my problem,
and I hoped the new info about AI from Dick might help solve it.

Dave AA6YQ says:
"When Commander starts controlling a K3, it sends an AI2; command unless you have "Continuous interrogation" disabled, in which case it sends an AI0; command."

Larry N8LP says:
"The AI boxes in LP-Bridge have nothing to do with the AI mode of the K3. These are used to simulate AI modes for apps connected to each virtual port. LP-Bridge forces the K3 into AI2 mode all the time. With many apps trying to control the rig, it would be a mess to let each one try to change the AI setting in the rig, therefore all AI commands are intercepted once LP-Bridge puts the rig in AI2 mode."

and from Dick K6KR, I learned how I could put the K3 into AI2 myself,
independent of either DXLabs or LP-Bridge, by using the K3 Utility pgm.

Over the last two years I have been using 2 different boxes,
during which I was encountering random LP-Bridge crashes on both.
I say random because there was nothing that would cause the crash.
I could leave the pgms running and not touch anything yet after while LP-Bridge would crash with a Runtime error.

One box was an AMD 2.9 Ghz, 4gig ram, with both Win7 Pro 32-bit and 64-bit.
The other box is an AMD 4.0 Ghz, 32gig ram with Win7 Pro 64-bit.
Both machines have real serial ports, not usb to serial, and
the serial cards were different on the 2 boxes.

I always set the polling rate for LP-Bridge to 200ms & NaP3 & DXLabs for 300ms as was suggested by Larry here:

Rig Timing (ms)...
Polling Interval: Defaults to 300ms. If using LP-Bridge or LPB2, be careful when setting this lower than 300, and never set it lower than the setting in LP-Bridge or LPB2. In general, this should be set about 100ms slower than the LP-Bridge / LPB2 setting.

Over the last 2 years I've made a several runs at solving this.
I have ask on the LP-PAN list a number of times about my crash problem.
Each time it seemed I was the only one having the problem, so I would wait a while and ask again later in the hopes that someone new to the list might also have the problem and maybe even the solution. But if others can't duplicate the problem, of course they can't help fix it. :-(

So I have just tolerated it or just not run LP-Bridge if it got to bad.
Some days I could run LP-Bridge all day, but then if it crashed once,
it would continually crash the rest of the day, even after reboots.

All the above is just to give details, not to bad mouth LP-Bridge!
I love it, it's a valuable tool, that is why I keep trying to use it,
but it's hell trying to use it, if it won't stay running.

It's a bit to soon to tell, but I have had some success over the last week, even before Dick's info about the K3's AI setting, just by chance I had tried setting the DXLabs virtual port in LP-Bridge to AI2,
at least it would run longer before it crashed.

So to sum this up, now I have the K3 set to AI2
Larry says LP-Bridge defaults to AI2 when it talks to the K3
Dave says DXLabs Commander uses AI2 for continuous interrogation.

LP-Bridge is currently handling 4 different programs at the same time.
DXLabs Commander, N3FJP, VE7CC, & NaP3
It's been 6hrs with no crash, maybe everyone is on the same page now.

Sorry for the bandwidth, feel free to use your delete key ;-)

On 12/28/2013 9:49 PM, Larry Phipps wrote:
The AI boxes in LP-Bridge have nothing to do with the AI mode of the K3.
These are used to simulate AI modes for apps connected to each virtual
port. LP-Bridge forces the K3 into AI2 mode all the time. With many apps
trying to control the rig, it would be a mess to let each one try to
change the AI setting in the rig, therefore all AI commands are
intercepted once LP-Bridge puts the rig in AI2 mode.

As far as DXLabs goes, many users run it with LP-Bridge, but there are
so many hardware and software variables between stations that it's hard
to make direct comparisons.

Larry N8LP

On 12/28/2013 7:46 PM, wrote:
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2013 14:05:33 -0600
From: Sam Morgan<>
To:"" <>
Subject: [Elecraft] K3-DXLabs-LP-Bridge AI command question
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Rig is a K3. Computer is running WIn7 Pro 64-bit, AMD 4.0 Ghz, 32gig
ram, real Serial port, not usb to serial. LP-Bridge is set to 200ms
polling rate, DXLabs Commander is set to 300ms polling rate.

Having just read K6KR's reply to Barry about the AI command (quoted
below) I wonder if this may be the cause of my random LP-Bridge crashes.
My K3 is set to normal AUTOINF or AI0

Is anyone using LP-Bridge with DXLabs with no crashes,
if so, what setting are you using in LP-Bridge for the AI setting,
and what settings are you using for AUTOINF on your K3?

Not knowing what AI did (until I just read about it in the K3 Programers
Reference Manual) I have been experimenting with different settings for
the AI for DXLabs within LP-Bridge. It seems LP-B doesn't crash 'as
often' if I use AI2.

It's in the K3 programmer's reference.  From the K3 Utility, command
enter "AIn;" where n is 0, 1, 2, or 3.

Don't enter the quotes, do enter the semicolon.  "AI;" is a query, it
respond with "AI0;" or "AI1;", etc.

73 de Dick, K6KR

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