Hi Lyle (and others),

I understand what you are saying (why shouldn't the QRO op get extra credit for
working a QRPp station), but I believe that the power multiplier applied to the
sending station is an attempt to:

1 - level the playing field ... someone running 100W is going to probably
garnish 10 times as many contacts as someone running QRP simply because the
signal is stronger everywhere
2 - encourage QRP operation ... although many of the kit builders and
homebrewers are serious low power op's, it is all too tempting to turn the
power up if there is absolutely no incentive to keep it down
3 - K.I.S.S. - if we had to individually count each contact with a different
value (10 for QRPp, 7 for QRP, ...) then it would become an exercise in
frustration for many folks who just want to get on the air, make a few dozen
fun contacts with likeminded folks, and submit a quick and easy contest report.

However, it might be an interesting study to see how much our scores will
differ if we calculated it in two ways: using my power for a multiplier, and
using all the other ops power for a multiplier.

My 2 cents...

Daniel AA0NI
Oklahoma City

--- Lyle Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It seems to me that a score per contact, rather than an overall 
> multiplier, makes some sense and that it should be based on the *other* 
> station's power.
> Let's face it, if I run 10 mW and you hear me, and come back to me with 
> a 100W signal, it is *you* that did the hard work digging my signal out 
> of the noise, not me doing the work of digging you out.  I realize that 
> there is skill involved in timing and offset of the weak signal being 
> transmitted, but the receiving station ought to get higher score for 
> that contact!
> 73,
> Lyle KK7P
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